- 2023. with Sareen, Siddharth. Digitisation and low-carbon energy transitions. Berlin: Palgrave Macmillan
open access
- 2021. Digital archives and collections. Creating online access to cultural heritage. Oxford, New York: Berghahn.
open access
- 2021. with Hahn, Hans Peter, Oliver Lueb and Karoline Noack. Digitalisierung ethnologischer Sammlungen:
Perspektiven aus Theorie und Praxis. Bielefeld: Transkript.
open access
- 2020. with Goodmann, James, Dipesh Chakrabarty, Linda Connor, Devleena Gosh, Kanchi Kohli, Jonathan Marshall,
Manju Menon, Tom Morton, Rebecca Pearse, Stuart Rosewarne. Beyond the Coal Rush: A turning point for global energy
and climate policy? Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- 2015. Die Eickstedt-Sammlung aus Südindien. Differenzierte Wahrnehmungen
kolonialer Fotografien und Objekte, Peter Lang, Frankfurt (Ph.D. thesis)
Vorwort pdf
publisher info
web publications and popular science media
- 2023. Energy in Crisis?,
Interview with CriticalUrbanism October 2023.
- 2022. Digital Archives and the Crowdsourcing of the Past, Take On Art 5(x): 2-6.
- 2020. with Morton, Tom, James Goodman, Riikka Heikkinen: Forest Wind and Australia’s renewables revolution:
how big clean energy projects risk leaving local communities behind,
The Conversation August 23, 2020.
- 2020. with Morton, Tom, James Goodman, Jonathan Marshall, Riika Heikkinen: People need to see the benefits from local
renewable energy projects, and that means jobs,
The Conversation June 19th, 2020.
- 2019. with Geismar, Haidy (eds.): Postcolonial Digital Connections. Web publication, Halle (Saale)
- 2019. Digitalisierung von kulturellem Erbe: Potentiale und Schwächen. Bedrohte Völker – pogrom 311_2: 14-15.
journal articles and book chapters (*peer reviewed)
- 2024. Energy. Open Encyclopedia of Anthropology.*
read it online
- 2024. with Goodman, James, Pradip Swarnakar, Mareike Pampus. Climatization and Declimatization.
Climate Advocacy in Social Sectors, Nature and Culture 19: 1-15.*
- 2024. with Goodman, James und Decarbonising Electricity Research Group. Decarbonising Electricity.
The costs of private sector-led renewable energy, and opportunities for alternatives in Australia, Germany and India,
TNI State of Power Report: 54-65.
free download
- 2023. El futuro del conocimiento archivístico de la antropología. Cómo pueden circular los objetos digitalizados, Pasajes 68: 183-193.*
- 2023.'Objective' numbers in energy research: Trust, order, governing and methodology, Energy Research and Social Science 106: 103310.*
- 2021. with Endres, Kirsten and Charlotte Bruckermann. Introduction: The political power of energy futures, FocaalBlog: Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology.
- 2020. Zugang zu wissenschaftlichen Sammlungen: Rechtliche, ethische und politische Dimensionen,
in: Andraschke, Udo (ed.): Objekte im Netz, Transcript: 205-219. pdf
- 2020. with Everts, Jonathan. Riskscapes, Politics of Scaling and Climate Change: Towards the Post-Carbon Society?
Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society 13 (2): 14 pages.*
- 2020. with Morton, Tom, Jonathan Marshall, Linda Connor und Devleena Ghosh. From Coal to Renewables:
Changing Socio-Ecological Relations of Energy in India, Australia and Germany, in: Renn, Ortwin, Frank Ulmer und Anna Deckert
(eds.): The role of public participation in energy transitions, Academic Press: 93-104.*
- 2019. with Aich, Rajkamal. Indian post-digital aesthetics. Visual Ethnography 8 (2): 155-168.*
read it online
- 2019. Vom Nutzen digitalisierter Sammlungen. Museumskunde 1/2019: 12-17.
- 2019. India’s digital archives: Online spaces for cultural heritage. Asiascape: Digital Asia 6: 84-109.*
- 2019. with Wille, Boris: Materiality and Mobility: Comparative notes on heritagisation
in the Indian Ocean World, in: Schnepel, Burkhard and Tansen Sen (eds.): Travelling Pasts:
The Politics of Cultural Heritage in the Indian Ocean World, Brill: 81-106.*
- 2019. review. Photography in India: From Archives to Contemporary Practice, ed. by Aileen Blaney and Chinar Shar.
South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies 41(4): 927-929.
- 2019. The Eickstedt archive: German anthropology in colonial India. Indian Historical Review 45(2): 213-232.*
free download
- 2018. with Morton, Tom: At the German coalface: Interdisciplinary collaboration between anthropology and journalism.
Energy Research & Social Science 45: 134-143.*
- 2018. Mining, time and protest: Dealing with waiting in German coal mine planning. The Extractive Industries and Society 6(1): 1-7.*
read it online
- 2018. Digitale Objekte – subjektive Materie. Zur Materialität digitalisierter
Objekte in Museum und Archiv, in: Hahn, Hans-Peter (ed.): Dinge als Herausforderung, Transcript: 49-66.* free download
- 2018. Exhibition Review for ‘Another India: Explorations & Expressions of Indigenous South Asia’
at Museum of Archeology and Anthropology, Cambridge, 8 March 2017-22 April 2018. Museum Anthropology Review 12 (2): 153-155.
free download
- 2017. Der böse Blick: Sehen und Gesehenwerden in Südindien,
in: Münster, Ursula, Claudia Lang, Jens Zickgraf und Philipp Zehmisch (eds.):
Ästhetik, Atmosphäre, Medialität: Beiträge aus der Ethnologie, Lit: 133–142.*
- 2017. Online Documents of India’s Past: Digital Archives and Memory Production.
Museum Worlds: Advances in Research 5: 149–161.*
- 2017. Writing into the Archive: Digitizing ethnographic collections,
in: Noack, Karoline und Ihde, Beatrix (eds.): Potentials of Museum-Ethnology:
Aparai-Wayana and other indigenous groups of the Guyanas as reflected in museum collections, Shaker: 269-282.*
- 2017. Heimat, Kohle, Umwelt. Argumente im Protest und der Befürwortung von
Braunkohleförderung in der Lausitz. Zeitschrift für Umweltpolitik und Umweltrecht 2017(3): 213–228.*
- 2017. Reframing the Aura: Digital Photography in Ancestral Worship. Museum Anthropology 40(1): 65-78.*
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- 2017. Between Lived and Archived Memory: How Digital Archives Can Tell History. Digithum 19: 11-18.*
abstract and free download
- 2017. Picturing Culture: The Photography of Muttappan teyyam between 1920 and Today.
Visual Anthropology 30(2): 147-165.*
read it online
- 2016. with Morton, Tom: Lusatia and the Coal Conundrum:
The Lived Experience of the German Energiewende. Energy Policy 99: 277–287.*
- 2015. review. The Coal Nation. Histories, Ecologies and Politics of Coal in India,
by Kuntala Lahiri-Dutt (ed.). South Asia: Journal of South Asian
Studies 38 (3): 541-542.pdf
- 2015. review. Colour, Art and Empire. Visual Culture and the Nomadism
of Representation, by Natasha Eaton. South Asia: Journal of South Asian
Studies 38 (1): 132-134.pdf
- 2014. with Rycroft, Daniel: The Future of Anthropology’s Archival
Knowledge: an International Reassessment (FAAKIR).
Jahrbuch der Staatlichen Ethnographischen Sammlungen Sachsen Bd. 46: 221-226.
- 2014. Eickstedt in Südindien. Jahrbuch der Staatlichen Ethnographischen
Sammlungen Sachsen Bd. 46: 227-236.pdf
- 2013. Koloniale Fotografien im Dialog. Rückführung und Erschließung
des Eickstedt-Archivs. Rundbrief Fotografie 20: 5-10.
- 2011. Schädelträger und das zornige Opfer der fünf Sinne –
zur Verwendung von Schädeln im Hinduismus und Buddhismus, in:
Schädelkult. Kopf und Schädel in der Kulturgeschichte des Menschen,
Regensburg: 125-131.*pdf
- 2010. Kulturelle Veränderungen in Malabar – Forschungsbericht Indien 2009/2010.
Jahrbuch der Staatlichen Ethnographischen Sammlungen Sachsen Bd. 45,
Berlin: 359-363.
- 2009. with Krebs, Carola: Ins Innere Indiens –
Die Expedition des Egon Freiherr von Eickstedt 1926–1929, in: Auf der Suche
nach Vielfalt, Leipzig: 321-328.
- 2009. with Wagenknecht, Reinhard/ Krebs, Carola: „Vom Reiten und Jagen, Fischen und
Fangen“ Über die Museumspädagogik am Leipziger Völkerkundemuseum, in:
Auf der Suche nach Vielfalt, Leipzig: 495-500.
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